Few days after coming back home, when my impressions were still high and I was very excited to share everything that has happened to me in the past week while participating in the youth exchange “Be happy, be a polyglot!” in Macedonia, I decided to call some of my friends in the nearby park and share with them all the opportunities they have as European youngsters.
My main aim was presenting the Erasmus+ programme and the types of projects and commodities they can apply to, to improve their language speaking skills, create new international friendships, learn about new cultures, improve their self-confidence, and present their country in the best way possible.
Firstly I started by sharing the aims and objectives of the project I attended this November, It was truly satisfying how in a such a short period of time, we learned phrases and some basic communication words in 6 languages, I shared with them the non-formal methods of learning and how they helped us with the process of getting to know each other’s language better. I taught them some tongue twisters that I remembered and recreated a session where they tried to introduce themselves in a foreign language.
I continued by showing them a lot of pictures and videos of the project, I showed them the Instagram posts of CET Platforma, but also the nature of Krushevo and all our friendly intercultural nights spent together.
When they really got engaged in the idea of working and learning alongside like-minded European people, I gave them the chance to ask me anything they wanted about my time there as well as how to participate in such events. For me it was a great pleasure being able to experience such an environment and so many new heartwarming people, it’s a memory that will last forever.
– Follow-up activity implemented by: Hristiyana P.