The afternoon session of Day 4 of #BEEPbyCET began with an energizer proposed by a mate of the project, Stefana, which consisted of creating a circle and passing a ball with our feet without touching the floor. After this energizer, we presented yesterday’s task in which we went to the city to exchange a pen for 5 other more valuable objects and take pictures and videos of the exchange. The activity taught us about selling and persuasion skills as well as practising communicating with others in a foreign language in a verbal and non-verbal way.
Next, we discussed and figured out a way to promote Erasmus+ programme, the importance of learning languages and non-formal education as a fun, engaging and effective way of learning. We decided to make a photoshoot! All of us created creative posters with messages and took pictures that we can post on our social media profiles.
Finally, to conclude the day, we started preparing for the workshops that we are going to do in the local high school next Monday that will teach students about the importance of learning languages as well as the opportunities that Erasmus+ programme provides to young people to participate in international non-formal learning projects on various topics. For this, we brainstormed different ideas about the activities that we will carry out and spoke about what would be most useful, engaging and fun for the students to do.