The last session of the youth exchange “Be Happy, Be a Polyglot” started with an emotional energizer where the group shared what they liked, disliked and what they were taking home from the project and Krushevo. After that, it was time to plan the follow-up phase of the project which will consist of local activities that the participants with help from their partner organizations will organize back home. Participants were provided with a form that helped them to plan follow-up activities in form of workshops, meetings and visits for their friends, colleagues or peers that will spread the results of the project, motivate them to learn foreign languages, practice communication skills and participate in Erasmus+ programme and non-formal learning activities. There were interesting ideas and we are sure that the youth exchange will be a great stimulus for participants to take a more active part in our communities and future Erasmus+ projects.
After that, the participants learned more about the Youthpass certificate and its 8 key competencies. They had time to complete their data in the Youthpass and write down the competencies that they gained or improved during the youth exchange.
It was the last day, so it was time to evaluate the whole process of learning and the overall implementation of the youth exchange. The evaluation was carried out in a few steps by using different methods. First, participants did verbal evaluation by sharing their impressions from the youth exchange, pointing out what they gained, improved and learned during the last week as well as what we will take home as knowledge, skill, attitude or experience. Then participants filled out an anonymous evaluation form that asked to provide feedback about the quality of preparation, organization, logistics, working program, methodology used, facilitation, support and venue arrangements. Participants could also give suggestions for improvements of future activities and leave messages to the organizing team from CET platforma.
After finishing the evaluation process and paperwork, everybody had some free time to rest and get ready for the farewell party where the Youthpass certificates will be awarded to all participants and the secret friends would be revealed. With that, we have successfully closed the youth exchange, happy to have taken part in it and looking forward to future encounters with the friends that we have made in the last week.