On the last day of our youth exchange “Be Happy, Be a Polyglot”, we went from the breakfast directly to the local high school “Naum Naumovski Borče” in Krushevo where we were meeting the students after their big break. After everyone gathered in the school court, the group got to hear from the organizers of the project about the Erasmus+ programme and about the opportunities it offers to young people for personal and professional development.
The next thing was getting everyone warmed up with a fun energizer and splitting everyone into 2 groups, which was done by our facilitators. The groups went into separate classrooms and began the workshops where they would learn the basics of the languages of the countries represented in the project. The visit and the workshops concluded with a game where the students had to use their newly gained knowledge and place the correct word of the chosen language into the right field placed on a flip-chart paper.
The group then went on a walk to the Makedonium, where they took pictures for the promotion of Erasmus+ programme and the importance of learning languages, and concluded the morning session with a visit to the beautiful Krushevo lake where we could reflect on our experience in the high school.
Everybody had a lot of fun, new friends were made and hopefully we got interested new young people to join future Erasmus+ projects. On one hand, it was great for us to practice what we have learned in the previous days during the youth exchange and share it with high school students, but on the other hand, the students got a taste of how to work in an intercultural setting in a foreign language and had a lot of enthusiasm to join Erasmus+ activities in the future.
We are very thankful to high school “Naum Naumovski Borče for their amazing hospitality, the principal Snezhana Milenkovska for making this visit possible and all the school staff and students who took part in this workshop.