I arranged meetings with my medical university colleagues between two of our breaks during the day. After our 1st lesson for the day found a free students’ room and I started my presentation for them.
We started with a simple energizer to boost their energy after studying – “stand up if” – I announced that I`m going to lead a 90-second stretch break. Explained to the group that I will read a series of 12 statements and that they will be standing and sitting based on whether the statement applied to them or not. I read the first statement and told, “If this applies to you, please stand. If not, remain seated”. I gave folks a moment to look around the room to see who is standing. I read statement number two and told, “If this applies to you, please stand. If not, remain seated, or if you’re currently standing, sit down.” I continue reading the remaining ten statements, allowing time for people to sit and stand. After the energizer. I started explaining about the Erasmus+ project and my experience in Krushevo, N. Macedonia. Everyone was excited about learning more about my experience and more about the Erasmus+ program.
I explained how they can apply to a project, and how to find a project which will be interesting for them. Also, we talked a lot about the activities and the interesting parts during the project, including the intercultural evenings and new friendships. I explained what we were doing every day during our stay in Krushevo, I also showed them the social media posts and website explaining all about the organization of the activities.
My friends will be very happy to apply and be a part of such projects after hearing about my exciting stories but also the knowledge that came out of the youth exchange in Macedonia.
– Follow up activity organized by: Denis Y.