The main topic of the disseminations has been the language, the words and the knowledge acquired during the exchange. After the exchange I came back from North Macedonia with a lot of more knowledge regarding Slavic, Romanian’s and Spanish’s languages and culture. I had the occasion in Italy to carry out different dissemination activities and at different moments. Right after arriving in the town where I live, I got to work and I had the time and the pleasure to talk with two of my colleagues (one from Romania and another from Moldavia): I shared with them the Romanian words I learned during the exchange, as an example I presented my self in Romanian, and we shared a discussion regarding their language, and the differences with the Italian; in the meanwhile, together with another colleague and the owner of the business, I shared with them were I went and what we did in Krushevo, so they had the occasion to understand the importance, for me, of leaving the job shift for 10 days in order to participate in an exchange supported by the EU.
For a second time, I joined a reunion of Erasmus students (international students coming from Spain, Poland, Jordan, and more…) in Siena, organized by the association ESN – Siena (Erasmus Student Network): I had the occasion to share with them what are the other opportunities of mobilities provided and funded by the EU and I shared with them my last experience, and my learnings, in Macedonia, attending at the youth exchange “Be Happy, Be a Polyglot”. The students got interested while I was telling them about the methodologies, the informal education methods, and the dynamics we used during the exchange, as they were comparing them with their actual methods of “learning by studying” at University, rather than “learning by doing”, typical of informal education. More than that, I spent a quite amount of time with Spaniards and I shared with them the Spanish traditions and language I discovered and learned during the exchange, and we ended this half hour together chatting about Spanish, Italian and Balkans cultures. As a consequence of this many of them got interested to Erasmus opportunities and I suggested them to got in contact with me, and to follow different website and Facebook groups for receiving open calls and opportunities in the future.
On another occasion, I spend a full night with two of my roommates, and another with my parents, explaining what we did and the objectives we reached in Krushevo. In the case of my roommates, I explained to them what are Erasmus+ opportunities, and what are Youth Exchanges, how they are structured (timetable, activities, and used methods). In both cases, I share with them the type of activities we had done in Krushevo, such as the ones related with Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Serbian, Bulgarian and Macedonian languages, and the objectives reached through the exchange: learning the differences in our languages, and understanding the importance of speaking more than one language in nowadays life – the polyglotism.
P.S I enjoyed the activities so much that I didn’t get the chance to take photos 🙂
– Follow up activities implemented by: Pierantonio B.