We have started with the implementation of the youth exchange “Be Happy, Be a Polyglot” in #Krushevo that from the 1st to 8th of November 2022 brings together young people and youth leaders from Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain and Romania.
The main aim of the project is to bring together 37 young people and youth leaders from participating countries in order to deconstruct the myth that learning new languages is a difficult thing to do.
The project will foster the employability of young people and will strongly promote European values, active citizenship, and intercultural dialogue. The project will also enhance the creativity of participants and promote entrepreneurship through peer learning, the exchange of good practices and non-formal learning.
The youth exchange will use methods that are based on non-formal and experiential education in order to provide all the participants with the information needed to enhance their learning process, but also in order to create an inclusive and learner-centered learning environment.