Today we started with the learning of the Spanish language which is the first of the Romance languages in the project that we will explore today. Of course, before starting the Spanish workshop, we did a fun energizer that woke us up and prepared us for the day.
First, the Spanish team has presented some interesting facts about the Spanish language which is one of the most spoken languages around the globe. Then, the Spanish team split us into different teams that had tasks to learn the alphabet and proper pronunciation, learn how to say the numbers and learn basic phrases to introduce to others and express what we like or dislike. The most fun and interesting part was the learning of tongue twisters and Spanish songs which were challenging tasks since most of us were exposed to the Spanish language for the first time.
After the Spanish lessons, we had a coffee break and continued the day with a challenging but very fun task around Krushevo. We were given a pen that we needed to trade with the locals for something more valuable. We were supposed to do this 5 times, every time with a more increased value. We also had to take pictures or videos, to prove that we made the trades and the process of doing so. It was hard at first for some of the teams but in the end, everyone completed their tasks and got pretty nice exchanges.
To summarize the morning sessions, we are sharing the impression of one of the Romanian participants: “The fact that we started with another interesting energizer, that it was nice to learn more about the Spanish language. I learned to write how to present myself in Spanish. But the cherry on top was the task we had to complete in the town and we were able to do something for the project, but at the same time to visit the city and eat traditional Macedonian food”.