The main aim of the project “Be Happy, Be a Polyglot” is to bring together 37 young people and youth leaders from North Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy and Romania in order to deconstruct the myth that learning new languages is a difficult thing to do.
In order to achieve the main aim, the project had the following objectives:
- To raise awareness and promote the importance and benefits of learning new languages,
- To learn about different cultures through language and non-formal learning activities,
- To promote and foster mutual understanding, intercultural learning and cooperation between 37 young people and youth leaders from different cultures, backgrounds and regions,
- To exchange good practices, experiences and competencies between the participants by using experiential and peer-to-peer learning,
- To foster international cooperation and partnership building between youth organizations from 6 European countries,
- To promote and educate about Erasmus+ programme and Youthpass as tools to work with young people in the fields of employability, entrepreneurship and intercultural learning.
The project will foster the employability of young people and will strongly promote European values, active citizenship, and intercultural dialogue. The project will also enhance the creativity of participants and promote entrepreneurship through peer learning, exchange of good practices and non-formal learning. The project is closely linked and promotes Youth goals #7 (Quality Employment for All), #8 (Quality Learning) and #11 (Youth Organisations & European Programmes) from the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027. The project also promotes European values in accordance with Article 2 of the Treaty on the EU and provides their wider promotion.
The project is relevant to all aims of the KA1 in the field of youth and will contribute towards their achievement by: 1) fostering intercultural dialogue and learning and feeling of being European, 2) developing skills and attitudes of young people, 3) strengthening European values and breaking down prejudices and stereotypes, and 4) raising awareness about socially relevant topics and thus stimulating engagement in society and active participation.
The project “Be Happy, Be a Polyglot” is funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union through the Key Action 1: Mobility for young people and granted by the Macedonian National agency for European educational programs and mobility.